Xiao Yufang was a little surprised. "So soon!"

Shandong said that "the holiday has expired"
The girl is a little reluctant. "Oh, a month has passed so quickly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I’ll see you off. "
Shandong said, "Just fly at three o’clock in the morning tonight."
Xiao Yufang was a little angry. "Why didn’t you tell me earlier so that I could see you off!"
Shandong is a little wronged. "I’m afraid you’re sad."
Shandong said, "It’s already twelve o’clock, so you can’t go back to the dormitory if you go to the airport to study."
Shinohara Yufang is very stubborn. "Just take a nap in the airport lounge after seeing you off. Let’s go."
Shandong failed, but she invited a taxi to the airport again. He wanted to save the car and go running now.
Driving slowly is not much faster than walking. For a long time, every minute is so precious to get along with lovers. Shandong looks out of the window and has begun to sleep. The city is surprisingly thought of foreign countries in a state of war. Only when they have truly seen the cruelty of war can they know how precious this peace is. He also thinks of Zheng Luzong’s comrades who fought bloody battles. Alas, have they not seen them for such a long time? I miss them a little. How is the little monkey now? Does he still brag about his stock all the time?
Small Guangxi, which is marching in the rainy night, suddenly sneezed and lilac frowned and stared at him. Small Guangxi rubbed its nose and muttered, "Who is chanting behind me?" It won’t be Li Jie, will it? "
He soon attracted retribution. A helicopter flew low over his head, and the propeller blew up the airflow, which made him roll and crawl. I shook my head and sighed. We took this tattered helicopter from Citigroup Marine Corps. Li Jie drove it all over the sky and played tricks on a small Guangxi from time to time.
The helicopter flew away from the small Guangxi and finally got up. The whole person became periophthalmus. He looked at the black ink and ink with a sad face. The expression of asking heaven can impress the tiger and even the stone will cry. Unfortunately, our monitor’s adult will not sympathize with him and drink low. "Don’t go! Re-sending the same redundant sound is treated as battlefield discipline! "
Small Guangxi is just about to cry. "She is flying around in a helicopter crying so loudly that she can shock a village chicken to death. I can’t even sneeze …"
I turned my head carefully to avoid him and found that I was laughing wildly, otherwise he should accuse me of having the opposite sex and inhumanity. This monkey is so bold that no one is afraid except cloves.
We are all tired and hungry now. Just six hours ago, we had a hard fight with the double-headed eagle marine corps on the edge of the jungle, blew up an armored vehicle and a car, killed nine enemies and wounded three of us. Maybe the double-headed eagle Luzon hasn’t eaten such a big loss. What happened to the helicopter fighter-bomber that came after us? Bombing and airborne infantry almost wrapped us in dumplings. Fortunately, the enemy army and aviation troops arrived and retreated into the jungle first.
Most of the area is covered by tropical rain forests, and even the Terrain of the Stone Age cannibal double-headed eagle army was narrowly lost by us. However, the double-headed eagle was really cruel this time. The Greenwood Special Forces team bit us and chased us, constantly guiding helicopters and bombers to search and bomb us, forcing us to be exhausted until our individual shoulder-fired missiles dried up a super cobra. But the Greenwood Special Forces still refused to give up, so Li Jie drove here. Half a month ago, when we attacked a field airport, we accidentally seized the Black Hawk helicopter and gave them a head-on blow. We shot 3,000 rounds in one breath, and the whole forest and trees were dumped in a mess. After being beaten up, the Greenwood Special Forces did not dare to chase back the body-if there were any bodies left.
Those 3,000 rounds of machine guns smashed a member of the class’s Greenwood Special Forces into minced meat, and we can make dumplings directly without chopping it. It is because of her excellent performance that we have to get rid of the dog lice and the general enemy retreated to the secret camp. Only now do we remember that everyone hasn’t eaten a decent meal for ten hours, and everyone’s stomachs are growling with hunger, and fighting and marching in the rain can’t stand it for so long. We have run out of supplies and can’t even find a biscuit crumb. Fortunately, we will be able to return to the secret camp in two hours.
Small Guangxi cut a small piece of bark into its mouth and chewed it over and over for a long time. I tried to swallow my neck for a long time and tried hard. My eyes turned white or not. Finally, I vomited angrily and scolded, "Mom will have meat to eat and wine to drink after a while!" Then he mumbled, "Li Jie is really why not throw us some food, even compressed biscuits!" "
Before the words were finished, I got a butt shot and beat him up. He was a clove. I don’t know what happened. Both Li Jie and Lilac like to use him as a sandbag. Is it true that the old saying that people are kind and not small? For their small Guangxi, I dare not be angry or say that I have a lot of grievances. I have endured the battlefield and then doubled my anger and vented my enemy’s reputation. Good men don’t fight with women!
Chapter 25 Luzon Jungle (2)
After a whole night, the rain finally stopped like morning light to dispel the haze on the horizon. The morning glow in the east was as bright as fire and dazzling as gold. The whole jungle was shrouded in a blue-gray haze, and it was so silent.
Birds are singing in the ear. First, one or two, then a large group of people are chirping. The jungle is awake. After the baptism of heavy rain, the jungle is lush and the leaves are bright green. People who enter the jungle for the first time will be amazed, but we have long lost the feeling of this beautiful scenery in our eyes. We don’t know if we are blessed. We are green, we are already exhausted, and the team is still marching in a hurry. Everyone is already covered in mud. Who has the mind to see the scenery?
At four o’clock in the morning, we hit the so-called secret camp according to the map, and almost didn’t die alive. It was a swamp, and it was estimated that there were many crocodiles waiting for us to go to the guest with their mouths open. Not to mention that we were tampered with by a map, we had to revise the map and continue to look for the secret camp-it felt like a marathon. After running, Bisser tried his best, and even his tongue was spit out. The referee told you that the race track was not long enough and had to run another five kilometers! Well, this can’t beat us. We quickly judged that the location of the real secret camp is not too far. It’s only 12 kilometers away, and we’ll get to the small Guangxi all the way to greet our ancestors.
Climbing over a mountain ridge, we found a guerrilla hiding in the distance at the top of a towering tree with a height of tens of meters. The little man was wearing leaves and vines in disguise. It was hard to find him. This guy learned to crow when he saw someone, even if we couldn’t see him. People in the secret camp were sure that action warfare was the best exercise. I thought that most of the guerrillas in the Sixth Front were in a state of fragmentation and were as good as bandits. After being trained by the Yanlong Army and honed by blood fire, they soon grew into an armed force no less than Annan guerrillas. If we are enemies and break into the secret camp, it’s not enough for them to play with one person and turn over a plot that doesn’t even hurt themselves. It can appear in Hollywood blockbusters
We quickly sent a signal to thank God that our head still had a conscience. This time, the signal was correct. A minute later, Li Jie and a guerrilla officer of the Sixth Front came out of the jungle to meet us. The officer was about thirty-five years old and tall. He said that he was still fluent in Chinese. "You have worked hard. Welcome to Miying!"
I rolled my eyes. If your sister gives us a real map, we will arrive before dawn! Now I’m too tired to swear. Lilac wants to come, too. Just a few words of courtesy took us all the way to Miying. Small Guangxi wronged Li Jie and asked, "Do you know why we went the wrong way and didn’t tell us?"
Li Jie gave him one
A chestnut "where I know there is something wrong with your map! And do I know you well? Let me go as soon as we meet! "
Small Guangxi blinked, which made it look even more pitiful.
Densely build a broad-leaved forest. This kind of big tree can grow to 20 to 30 meters high. The leaves are bigger than the palm of a man’s hand. The dense shade can effectively prevent it, but nothing grows in the shade. It is very convenient to build a dense camp. It is ideal. There are hospitals, warehouses and even a chicken farm with bamboo floors. Several wounded people are lying in hammocks wrapped in bandages and gauze and wearing white masks. Some people are busy making distilled water and some drugs far away. Some people are repairing weapons. Everyone looks very busy. Guns are coming from a distance. After her explanation, we realized that the method of raising chickens here is unique. There are dozens of cocks that are really fed. They are all put in the jungle to feed themselves. Cocks here, they can’t run away. If they want to eat chicken, they shoot with guns. If they want to eat eggs, they go to the jungle to find real game. Small Guangxi immediately went out to visit a chicken farm. Unfortunately, I am tired and hungry now and want to take a bath and then have a delicious meal. I am not interested in going sightseeing with him. So he can take Li Jie.
The person in charge of the bamboo building in the secret camp quickly arranged accommodation for us, and the hot water was ready to take off the dirty clothes and take a hot bath for a long time, which felt really comfortable.
Prepare breakfast for us. It was steaming chicken soup, salted fish and bean curd. We were really hungry. We ate like wolves and almost couldn’t chopstick cloves. Fortunately, I grabbed two chicken wings for her. Haha, I was full and slept. Of course, we have been so tired for the past month. We have been fighting or playing hide-and-seek with the enemy in the jungle. Now the enemy offensive has failed. Of course, we should have a good rest and prepare for another war.
I slept soundly this time, but some people don’t have such a good life, and they are doomed to sleep.
Ministry of Defence, Luzon, Manila
President Luzon flew into a rage when he learned that the offensive had been defeated. This time, Luzon dispatched more than 4,000 troops, almost all of which were dedicated to the Sixth Front. Unexpectedly, he was defeated so badly in the end and got nothing but piles of bodies! Damn it, the Sixth Front doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s getting stronger and stronger, hitting more and more people, and the tactics are weird. Not to mention them, even the Citigroup Marine Corps can’t see them. When did Luzon come up with such a fierce one
Mr. President looked around at the generals with a gloomy face. "We failed again in this encirclement and suppression campaign and suffered huge losses. What else do you have to say? You are not patting your chest to ensure that you can wipe out the Sixth Front in one fell swoop! ?”
Do you believe that the generals looked at each other? Why don’t you believe me when I say I can beat the five hooligans? But the president, after all, is the president. You have to be careful to wait on the responsibility of losing the battle. You have to find a way to shirk it, right?
Minister of the Army: "In this war, our participating troops showed great bravery, and every soldier fought bloody battles. It can be said that our performance was impeccable! It will fail because the navy failed to cut off the sixth front sea supply line as planned and transported our soldiers to the weak defense area of the sixth front in time, which delayed the fighter plane. Blame the navy! "
The secretary of the navy scolded me in his heart. There are only a few fucking gunboats left. Why cut off the sixth front sea supply line? Are you fucking blind or have you lost your mind? Not long ago, a torpedo on the Sixth Front sank our only destroyer! ? There’s no decent warship, so why block the sea? However, it was impossible for the army to attack the army with huge losses in this battle. He crustily said, "In this battle, our navy also did its best to help limited ships take the initiative to attack and pose a great threat to the enemy …"
Mr. Brown’s face is terrible. This guy really speaks well. Their boats just stay in the harbor to bask in the sun. Thanks to them, they also blow beautifully. Pepe!
"Our navy has tried its best to blame the army, and their performance is too bad! Having such advanced fighter planes and bombs has lost a lot, not to mention destroying many enemies, but also killing our own people one after another, which has seriously affected the morale of our army! "
The Minister of Military Affairs opened his eyes wide and directly held in his mind that the ancestors of the Navy Minister, the Tenth Generation Army, had several advanced fighter planes. Yes, but please look at the terrain of Mindanao. Ninety-nine percent of them were covered by virgin forests. The guerrillas were also making profits and ambushed at night. Don’t mention their poor f- 4s, F-4s and A-4s. Even if they sent the double-headed eagle B-52s, it was a powerful force to make them stare blankly! However, the army’s performance was not very good. It was probably because the pilots were so excited to drop bombs when they saw people. During the whole campaign, 60 soldiers were killed by their own planes, and even the Citigroup Marine Corps got a 500-kilogram bomb. The famous soldiers were so angry that they didn’t even have slag left. The Marines actually -16 hit that damn a-4! This is the first of two fighter planes lost by Lu Songjun in the whole campaign, and the second one was hit by guerrilla helicopters, killing so many people.
People also lost two fighter planes, so the record is a bit unreasonable. These two atheletes’ gods just want to put the blame on him. Of course, he won’t do it, but it seems that there is no place to shirk his final speech. Can’t they shirk it on the president? He said with a sad face, "Our army did its best in this campaign, but the weather was really too bad. The typhoon that wiped the windshield at two ends in three days greatly limited our play …"
Mr. Brown rolled his eyes. It’s true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead and kill the beach! Both the army and the navy want to put the blame on the army, and the army is even worse, directly on God! Who can say that he is not? The weather is really bad! These monkeys simply can’t help the mud. The United States wouldn’t care if it weren’t for the sake of containing China!
The three ministers quarreled. "It’s all your navy’s failure to live up to expectations. Foreign forces shipped the materials to Mindanao and sold them to the rebels! You must be responsible for this failure! "
"I fart matter! Where can your army go if it performs well? With such a big advantage, you can’t even enter the jungle. Stay in the town and wait for the guerrillas to knock on the door! What else can you do besides sending guns to the guerrillas? "
"The navy and the army are assholes! How many times have you tried anti-aircraft guns firing at our fighters? Several of our fighters were injured by your gunfire! "
"I can blame us? Blame yourself! "
"Blame ourselves?"
"Of course! How many times has your army dropped bombs on our soldiers? Do you know that?/You know what? Now, when our frontline combat troops see the troops coming to reinforce, their first reaction is to take cover quickly! "
"You …"
The army, navy and armed forces were so noisy that the conference hall turned into a duck pond. The president shouted, "Shut up if you have enough!" Only then did the three ministers look at Mr. Brown. "As you can see, Mr. Special Envoy, we really tried our best. It’s not that our army didn’t work hard, but that the Sixth Front was too powerful!"
Mr. Brown laughed with a smile and said, "You are tired after talking for so long. Take a sip of water and listen to me first."
"This time, everyone tried their best (the face was quietly red). Our Marine Corps cooperated with each other bravely and tragically (the face was red again). A large number of fierce and fearless fighting heroes emerged (the face was always red to the neck) … It can be said that you are one of the best troops in Southeast Asia (fortunately, this building is equipped with lightning rods, otherwise I dare not say this words for fear of being struck by lightning)! I am afraid that the failure will be the employment of worshipping China.
The soldiers gave it to them. If they hadn’t been behind the scenes, those anti-government forces would never have become a climate! Therefore, we should strongly protest against China! "
The president smiled bitterly, boss. You don’t have to deal with China face to face on the other side of the world. You don’t know. Wow, that rascal likes people to protest against him. The more you protest, the more happy he is!
"Of course, there is no protest for a big country … so our government will increase its military assistance to your country. It won’t be long before more advanced weapons will be delivered to you. It will be easy to destroy the anti-government armed forces by then!"
The generals cheered up the president, but he didn’t have lunch. Before the early meeting, Mr. Brown did say that he could increase military assistance to Luzon, but the precondition was that Luzon must sell more than 200 tons of gold to more than a dozen big banks in Citigroup at low prices in batches in two years! These gold were plundered by Japanese troops from Southeast Asia during World War II and found in a cave in Luzon by accident. This is a precious treasure of Luzon, but it must be sold at a low price in exchange for Washington’s support!
200 tons of gold is exchanged for a verbal promise that it may change its mind at any time. This is the sorrow of the small country, but he has no choice. China has also exported a large number of fighter planes and artillery to the Yanlong Army. The Yanlong Army will greatly increase its support for the anti-government armed forces. If you don’t want to be driven out of Taiwan by the anti-government armed forces, you can reluctantly give up what you want. No, this is not giving up what you want, it is cutting meat!
Chapter 26 Luzon Jungle (3)
The special plane took off at Jakarta International Airport and landed skillfully. The flying wolf took three guards and everyone was slightly surprised. It’s no wonder that everyone was envious, jealous and hateful. Private people can fly the Black Hawk. It’s a bit incredible to put it in any country. Of course, the mercenary head is an exception. Nanga Pi Nuo, commander of the Army Special Forces School, and a special soldier in Banpawwa, all secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and scolded in their hearts, "It’s rich to rely on this help of Chinese mercenaries! Our country can’t afford the Black Hawk, but they can buy a special plane! ! !”
Nanga Pi Nuo held out his hand in the previous step to smile with the most affectionate expression possible. "General Flying Wolf, my name is Nanga Pi Nuo to meet you on behalf of our Ministry of National Defense."
The flying wolf took a look at Nanga Pi Nuo. Hey, the typical claw depression is lean and lean, and the skin is tanned and red. It is like a piece of moldy chocolate. It is estimated that a gust of wind will blow to this man like a kite. Instead of shaking hands with him, he reluctantly gave a military salute. The claw depression has played an important role in all previous Chinese exclusion incidents, and his hands are covered with Chinese blood. He doesn’t want to touch such a bloodstained claw.
Nanga Pi Nuo smiled stiffly once and gave a military salute "This way, please". Behind him, the claw-hollow commando showed an angry look. The flying wolf didn’t take a really good look at these guys. Don’t look at their vice-European and American equipment. The flying wolf seems to be a real fight. Three guards can kill them. What’s to say with these rubbish? He and a school car, three guards, a car, a squad of special forces, two cars and four cars drove out of the airport and headed for Jakarta International Hotel, where the flying wolf negotiated with the government of Jawa.
At the airport, two white people in black and white followed the car and hung far behind them.
The flying wolf ignored Nanga Pi Nuo School and looked coldly at the scenery outside the window. In all fairness, Jakarta is a this beautiful city Islamic, Catholic, Christianity and many other religious cultures collide and crystallize here. There are ancient mosques, elegant Catholics and Christian churches, well-structured Gothic buildings, and of course, Chinese-style imaginative retro buildings of all kinds. But at the same time, this is the city with the most acute racial contradictions in the world. People in the claw valley have formed a conditioned reflex at the slightest sign of trouble. Most of the dozens of racially discriminatory policies in the claw valley are aimed at Chinese, which can be seen in every corner of this city. Traces of racial conflicts The indigenous people in the claw valley are bullying. Their eyes are gloomy and weird, but Chinese people must be careful in front of them. Even so, cold and hateful eyes still surround them. Since the Dutch colonial rule, the government has been in the same strain. Inciting propaganda has convinced all the claw valley people that Chinese people are vampires and Chinese people are mean.
The means have taken away the wealth of Zhaowa, making them penniless. When the contradictions between the country have accumulated to a certain extent, the government will lead the national anger to the Chinese people. Those guys with long teeth and no brains never thought that Chinese roots would not be able to squeeze into the key industries of Zhaowa economy. The government of Zhaowa has made the vast majority of Chinese people run small businesses, and it is ten times more difficult for them to accumulate wealth!
Now, the indigenous people in Zhaowa don’t always aim at the Chinese. They have a more accurate goal: China, which has taken away most of the oil resources belonging to Zhaowa through war! Don’t talk about state affairs, family affairs, and my fart nonsense. The fiasco of the war had a far-reaching impact on Zhaowa. The prestige of Suharto’s government was blown to pieces by anti-ship missiles. The loss of oil resources made China’s oil price soar like a rocket. Since Suharto came to power, the good momentum of economic development in Zhaowa has been ruthlessly stifled. The rising oil price has plunged the whole country into chaos, and this impact has become more and more obvious as time goes by. Who let Zhaowa occupy so many oil resources? At this price, the oil company will lose money every year, but it still sells well. How much did the government compensate them now? Even the oil companies went bankrupt, and the oil price soared. I don’t know how many vehicles could stop because there was no oil, so I don’t know how many factory machines stopped running. However, this influence on Jakarta, a big city with a population of 10 million, seems to be not so obvious. There are still so many road cars that can stand side by side through four cars. Once the traffic jam is over, I don’t know when the fortress will be able to climb forward. Most of the buses are closed, and passengers can drive at any time-driving too slowly. Of course, remember to buy tickets. When the traffic jam is severe, many girls will run sports cars to sell flowers, newspapers and snacks. Some boys will simply knock on the window and send a net bag to you. If they are experienced, they will throw coins into the net bag at will, one or two or more.
If the traffic jam is too severe, someone will act as a temporary traffic police to direct the vehicles to pass through, and the drivers will give them some coins. Therefore, when you go out in Jakarta, you must remember to bring a small bag of coins. Without it, it is really inconvenient for this team to go, but it is still blocked from time to time.
"It’s a garbage country." The flying wolf closed his eyes and didn’t bother to look at him. He didn’t like this laziness, and he was jealous of others’ achievements. He also couldn’t see others working harder than them in a garbage country, but there was no way to claw the depression. The Ministry of National Defense had asked the Yanlong Army to take back Yanlong Island. He thought it was a joke.
The regiment has built Yanlong Island into a relatively complete military base, and now it wants to take it back. Isn’t that to get cheap? Don’t dream so early. He argued, but the official attitude of Zhaowa was tough, saying that if they didn’t leave after one month, they would be at their own risk. He would come to Zhaowa to personally talk to the defense minister of Zhaowa about Nanga Pi Nuo’s one build what didn’t build. He kept on talking about Jakarta’s cultural landscape, and the flying wolf didn’t listen to it. It seemed that Nanga Pi Nuo was not qualified to talk to him. It took the team a full hour and a half to get to the magnificent Jakarta Hotel-it took half an hour to see how bad the traffic in Jakarta was.
"Dear General Flying Wolf, please rest first. Our minister will be here soon."