"Strange strong …"

"Hello, I’m …"
Finally, I looked at dozens of simultaneous remote video objects on the screen.
The head of the mission fell into silence.
He doesn’t know what to say anymore.
After dozens of guys heard that some guys had hands earlier than themselves.
But also present a variety of completely different reactions.
Have befriended each other
And silently observe the situation.
And simply don’t install the on-the-spot table [Galaxy]. I have to help myself with the erosion situation there! !
Some guys even said that they don’t want to help fight, but they will bring their own dry food to help the marginal areas build advanced industrial chains, help the needy people build a rich society …
It’s true that it’s hard to be honest, but it’s a great feeling that makes people cry! !
All kinds of situations immediately made the mission leader feel as big as a bucket …
….. what is this mess …’
He can’t think clearly.
What could have simply evolved into what it is now?
It’s no wonder that these guys are so well-informed when they are so far apart.
And in this respect,
Root cause
The reality is that those who have not yet emerged [Alien Crossover] and [Alien Rebirth].
Many years ago
I’m worried that [Galaxy] can’t suppress [players in the universe] those guys.
Very directly before the situation here as some kind of exclusive information sold far away …
It not only ensures that friends and relatives from all walks of life are fully prepared, but also earns a little information by the way.
Really win-win! !
After a while.
[Milky Way] The surface of a central planet
In a special building
Look at the mighty’ reinforcements’ through the screen.
The face of some power leaders is also extremely difficult.
It is a rough look at the number of troops reported by various’ reinforcements’
They really felt sad.
Even if it is not possible to understate the number, it is more than 100 times the number of reinforcements they expected …
On the other side’s actual combat effectiveness
That’s hard to say …
But as we all know,
Being able to reach the "Galaxy" troops is weak and weak. How can it be an elite force level base …
In the face of this situation, I can’t understand the roots.
All their idea converged into a question aim at that head of the mission.
"Are you sure you really need help?"
"Of course!"
The head of the mission answered without hesitation.
After all, if you hesitate, don’t you say that you are guilty?
That’s a shame …
But after answering the question,
Recalling that those’ reinforcements’ successfully arrived in the [Galaxy] and didn’t even bother to perform a direct performance, they occupied the populated areas and occupied the territory.
He also unconsciously added a sentence slightly.
"At least, that’s probably the case …"
It is also a great surprise for those who secretly observe the situation around the Galaxy [the player of the universe] to face the sudden increase in the number of enemies.
Even some wily guy were genuinely surprised.
"I didn’t expect those indigenous determination to be so tough …"
"In order to fight against us, we did not hesitate to take huge risks and directly attracted foreign aid whose quantity and strength were stronger than ourselves …"
"You know, it’s normal for a bird to occupy a dove’s nest without paying attention …"
"It seems that I am a little look down upon each other …"
"It’s really unexpected difficult opponent …"
Chapter 1236 Opponents also enter the stadium
"… although it seems a bit unreliable"
"But since those guys have ulterior motives …"
"So it’s impossible for them to watch the Milky Way occupied by those [other life forms] after all?"
After a long discussion
It’s hard to catch the evil guest, but it’s probably better to make do with it than to let the "life in another world" be violent.
【 Milky Way 】 Various forces in the soil can also frown but acquiesce to each other.
"Real not shrink a respective forces let them dog eat dog ….."
"Can’t those guys still destroy the whole galaxy?"
that’s it
In a joke
The meeting was also completely over.
The leaders of various forces turned to worry and pondered that only in this way can they be so chaotic as to protect themselves smoothly than in the situation …